
RTX 4060 PREVIEW | Cyberpunk 2077 Ultra Settings Tested | 3060Ti – 4060 – 4060T | FPS Comparison

– Este video forma parte de una preview exclusiva de RTX 4060 centrada en Cyberpunk 2077. Pronto tendrés un análisis de rendimiento de esta tarjeta gráfica probando varios juegos y configuraciones gráficas.

– This video is part of an exclusive RTX 4060 preview focused on Cyberpunk 2077. You will soon have a performance analysis of this graphics card with various games and graphic configurations.

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  1. – Este video forma parte de una preview exclusiva de RTX 4060 centrada en Cyberpunk 2077. Pronto tendrés un análisis de rendimiento de esta tarjeta gráfica probando varios juegos y configuraciones gráficas.

    – This video is part of an exclusive RTX 4060 preview focused on Cyberpunk 2077. You will soon have a performance analysis of this graphics card with various games and graphic configurations.

  2. No te vendas a Nvidia y muestra los juegos sin dlss activado que es como se ve el rendimiento real de la gráfica. La RTX 4060 es peor en rendimiento bruto que la RTX 3060 ti

  3. No convence la verdad es un solo título optimizado para nvidia hay que verla frente a otros juegos y vs la 3060ti y la rx 7600 por lo pronto la veo muy mala inversión al menos que cueste mucho menos que una 3060ti quizás eso pase a una semana del lanzamiento 😂

  4. Realmente horrible como se ve con el dlss3. Realmente esta gpu solo valdra la pena cuando ya no se consigan mas la de serie 3000. Quizas esa tecnologia sirva para 2k o 4k, pero a 1080p? No gracias

  5. Por que usaron dlss balanced a 1080p?
    De por si a 1080p el dlss Quality hace que se vea un poco pixelado o con brillo detalles a la distancia en balanced es prácticamente ver todo pixelado

  6. Que grande Nvidia vendiendo una 4050 a precio de 4060! Fijense el tamaño del chip, su area en mm2(ejemplo: TU104, GA107, etc) y comparenlo con anteriores generaciones, ahi descubriran la tremenda estafa de esta gen.

  7. La próxima podrías poner en ultra perfomance, así tendrías 160fps, claro, no importa que este renderizado a 360p, ahora está a 620p, que más da si vamos más y más abajo en resolución? Total podes seguir diciendo "1080p" en la comparación.

  8. Dlss balanced en 1080p?
    Por dios este canal más vendido a Nvidia no podría estar xd

    A ese nivel mejor pon la resolución a 720p nativa y juegalo así. Ni dlss quality a 1080p se acerca a resolución nativa, menos cuando tienes frame gen activado qué va a llenar de shimmering y artifacts y ghosting, con dlss balanced debe ser horrible.

  9. Estás engañando a la gente, la RTX 4060 no es más potente que la RTX 3060 Ti. Como se nota que Nvidia te paga por publicidad. Una vergüenza este canal, pero que refleja la ignorancia que reina.

  10. Nvidia is using DLSS 3 as a crutch to make the 4060 and 4060 Ti even remotely worth buying. 99% of games don't support the feature and 1080p gaming is…a bit archaic in 2023. Even most esports apart from CSGO (due to stretch resolutions and such) are played at 1440p now for the most part. If they were dirt cheap, they would be worth, but they are selling them for at least 4x the production costs. I don't blame them individually, but rather corporate society as a whole…companies do not need to be making 4x to 10x profits, that's ludicrous and really bad for innovation and societal progress. And they still skimping out on VRAM…which is actually worth next to nothing…8GB is only $27 US Dollars. The silicon itself and initial R&D work are not worth anything near the profits they are raking in and they'll probably feel it down the line if AMD can catchup and honest…we might be looking at Intel dominance in a few years at this rate.

  11. DLSS turned on the whole time?
    I know that there is Nvidia embargo and that's probably why you could only show 4060 in the best light possible but without DLSS the raster performance is going to be abysmal for the price Nvidia asks.

  12. It can handle RT, but should you use it?
    IMO not at all, RT is a feature for high end gpus where the resolution sacrifices are not noticeable due to higher resolution outputs.

  13. These cards will age very poorly with anemic memory bus and low VRAM. I'm certain they'll make these obsolete next generation by addressing these two major complaints. I do not recommend these cards.

  14. This is 1080p balanced DLSS which means 620p internal resolution this is Nvidia's marketing tactic to get the Vram usage lower and make 8gb 4060 look good and sell you on DLSS3 mind you in raw perofrmance 3060 12gb will perform better at 1080p because of the 12gb Vram. and second of all DLSS 3 is not available in every game so yeah nvidia is desperate 8gb will not be enough when you enable RT and crank up settings you spill over 8gb of Vram and the stutters will create a mess