
How to make Pocket Laptop at Home | Raspberry Pi 4 Project

Project Making pocket laptop using raspberry pi 4.

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In this video, we make the mini pocket laptop using cardboard and raspberry pi 4.I use 4 GB RAM Raspberry Pi 4 for making this pocket laptop. We are using a Bluetooth keyboard, PCB for Power supply, 7-inch display.

Material :
Raspberry pi 4 (seeed studio) Global fast delivery (Free shipping over 79$ in the US)

TP4056 Module
Bluetooth keyboard

Music :
Track: THROVN & Moistrus – Contra
Music Provided by Magic Records
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  1. can you explain why you only have a video of another computer screen over the actual screen of the device? I was looking for projects to commit to but you aren't showing raw footage of your setup. your device is shaking, but the video display doesn't move along with the device.

  2. Will this work the same for raspberry pi 3 b+? It's what I had laying around (I'm kinda a tech nerd) and I don't really want to buy anything else :/
    Also this will work the same with a standard USB power bank right?
    (I really need to save as much $$$ as possible)
    One last thing – the screen works out of the box, or do I have to install seperate drivers?
    And there is no link in the description for screen!!!!

  3. 1:15 see this noob his account is paused but he is not caring and why there are many extensions are they also the sponsors of this video? anyone can explain me who is the real sponsor of this video…………………………………. 😉