
Google’s new MEGA supercomputers revealed! (with quantum updates)

At Google I/O 2021, Google reveals new advancements in its quantum computing group.

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  1. It’s great to try to mimic the nature however there is always going to be a need for a single master engineer whom trusted to pick an aesthetic for the rest of us. Food production is a must go. Any super fast computer or a quantum computer still need a code written by a human to reach that human’s end goal. It would be great to use the quantum computers to calculate the sun,light and water ratio to grow food. I guess the quantum computers give error because it works within the system it’s coded. The errors that the quantum computer raise could turn into non errors by deciding if those errors aren’t errors in another system of control. Could AI do that? It could if it’s given the answer of what’s good, what’s not. I can’t pass the idea that there can’t be a human controller. My first impression of this was that the AI is being tried to be given as a creator source. If the AI can’t come up to create a new, let’s say a new seed to grow a new type of food, it will circulate the information put in and give errors. Is the goal here grow food something out of a tree that doesn’t give fruit or how to grow plants that give maximum food with productivity.

  2. Achieving your quantum milestone is a very cute thing that infants frequently do. The real deal is spiritual, because the world we live in is created by awareness, and spirituality is the desire to understand how awareness creates the reality that we exist within.

  3. Ok :)..So, Now Google will have a powerful server to show ads to the consumer like never done before.
    Scientists be like 🙂 hahaha it's a revelation 🤣🤣🤣

  4. Modern day paganism on maximum overdrive lol! This IDOL, along with all the rest of them, will be eviscerated upon the return of the King!
    The hour draws near; make a decision for Jesus while you still can! You’re sins have already been forgiven 2000 years ago at Calvary when Christ Jesus gave his life up as propitiation for every sinful thing you’ve EVER DONE OR WILL DO! God loves you more than ANYTHING in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE! God’s wrath was satisfied when he poured it out on his Son at the cross, and Jesus went to the Cross knowing EXACTLY what he was doing: PAYING FOR YOUR FREEDOM FROM THE 2nd DEATH; ETERNAL SEPARATION FROM GOD! Only God could accomplish this that is why when u repent and make a decision to follow Jesus you do so knowing there’s nothing more needed to be accomplished.
    You’re job as a follower of Christ Jesus is to Love God above all else and love your neighbor as you love yourself.
    Laugh all u want. I under that what is currently happening is hard to process for the modern (especially western) mind. This isn’t just a world event that will come and go no this is the beginning of the end. It’s technology like this that will be integral in the world wide enslavement of the human race, and that’s just the beginning.