
What is the battery operating time of iOS15 Beta 1? Comparison test with iOS 14.6

iOS15 Beta 1 Battery Test

A video comparing battery life has been released on iOS 15 Beta 1 and iOS 14.6. We are testing 3 models of iPhone using the benchmark app.

Tested in Beta 1 for iOS 15 developers

The video that tested the battery life of iOS 15 Beta 1 released for developers was released on YouTube channel iAppleBytes, which recently released a running speed test of iOS 15 Beta 1.
In the test, the screen brightness of 3 models of iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone SE (2nd generation) with iOS 15 Beta 1 and iOS 14.6 official version installed was unified to 25%, and the battery was used with the benchmark test application “Geekbench 4”. I’m running a test.
iOS15 Beta 1 Battery Test

The battery status of the iPhone used for the test is as follows.

  • iPhone6s: 100%
  • iPhone7: 100%
  • iPhone SE (2nd generation): 91%

Unusual battery test in beta

The channel usually does not carry out battery testing in beta, but it seems that they decided to carry out the test because they were concerned about the battery life of iOS 15 beta 1.
Since data optimization processing is performed internally for several days after OS installation, battery consumption tends to increase, so the usual battery test is performed 3 to 4 days after installation, but this time it is installed It is a test in about 14 hours after that.
In addition, since the iPhone used for testing repeats OS upgrades and downgrades, the battery is different from normal, so please see the change depending on the OS version on the same device, not the comparison between devices. … apparently …

Battery operating time test result

The test results for each model are as follows.

Operating time (score)
iOS15 Beta 1
Operating time (score)
iPhone6s 1 hour 52 minutes (1,090) 1 hour 53 minutes (1,130)
iPhone7 3 hours 28 minutes (2,071) 3 hours 38 minutes (2,169)
iPhone SE
(2nd generation)
3 hours 42 minutes (2,214) 3 hours 41 minutes (2,202)

On the iPhone 6s, the battery operating time has increased by 1 minute from iOS 14.6 to iOS 15 Beta 1, there is no difference between the two versions on the iPhone 7, and on the iPhone SE (2nd generation), it has shrunk by 1 minute on iOS 15 Beta 1.
iOS15 Beta 1 Battery Test

Regarding this result, iAppleBytes rates that battery life isn’t bad at all given that iOS 15 is still in beta 1.
Watch the test video here.

Source: iAppleBytes / YouTube

Source: iPhone Mania

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