
iPod shuffle-like Apple Watch controller is talked about

apple watch ipod shuffle controller

The iPod touch has been discontinued, and there are many people who miss the iPod, but the controller that can use the Apple Watch like the iPod shuffle has become a hot topic.

Beta released due to flood of inquiries

When Parker Autolani (@ParkerOrtolani), the consumer product manager of the US media The Verge, posted with an image that “I am using the Apple Watch as an iPod shuffle for the time being”, a big response was received from users. ..

It was actually created by 17-year-old Swift developer Vedant (@vedantapps), who has released a beta version of the Apple Watch controller “Shuffle Play” on Test Flight because of the response from the release of the demonstration video. ..

Source: ShufflePlay beta / Test Flight via @vedantapps / Twitter
Photo: @ ParkerOrtolani / Twitter

Source: iPhone Mania

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