
How to fix 2K20 error code

A simple fix

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  1. ….STILL am looking for a fix that works for a hardwired powerful desktop PC w/error code 04d8c39c — the devs want me to basically redo my entire OS just for the CHANCE the "Fix works" and I was doing all sorts of things already.

    The crazy thing is it works fine on my LAPTOP PC but the laptop doesn't have the video to play it well and it's too choppy. It makes no sense at all…none…I have mine via Steam, if that helps. It's just insane that a better PC with great hardware doesn't work while the slowass laptop on Wi-Fi it works fine…and my desktop has no Wi-Fi card b/c it's hardwired and no NEED for one…

  2. What happens to me is I can play like half a park game and every time it gives me the error code 56d85bb8. Anyone know how to fix it like my other online games work perfect.

  3. Plzz respond to this are you sayin that if I remove all account and put it bacc in on my ps4my customize shoes are gonna be gone or all of them and I'll stop gettin the same error code bacc to bacc every game I get into

  4. i removed accounts and tried joining my friends and then it told me to put in birthday then email and i did that but i still can’t join the park