
League of Legends: Wild Rift Review – Noisy Pixel

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  1. Looks fun! Never got into MOBA games before, but Pokemon Unite got me into it! 💖 Pokemon Unite, and this one looks verry similar. Gonna give this a shot! Thanks for the review

  2. Games trash that caters to cheaters and ptw players. Worst part is that these bums from 3rd world country’s pay far less for everything in store, giving them an unfair advantage. All the top players are cheaters from India.

  3. Every lol wild rift video i find i will comment this: STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME, IT IS A STRESS INDUSING NIGHTMARE FEST. all matches are broken, u get paired with noobs who all either just sit under towers with no idea what to do, or all split push. you will get thrown into games against pro level smurfs and you will paired with all entry level noobs who never played league before. all matched are broken and riot will not give a crap about you, they will focus the game on these pro level players and their meta. no matter how hard you try, even if u carry and your team is just crap you will still lose every match. you will not be able to surrender cause for some reason every player in this game has some samurai code of honor and will make you suffer through 30 minutes of slaughter cause they think if they give up it will dishonor their family. you will get penalized for going afk for 15 seconds to open the door for your pizza guy, there is no communication between your team and no one in this game PLAYS AS A TEAM. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME, THIS COUNTS EVERY RIOT GAME EVER, THEY ARE ALL LIKE THIS.

  4. This is one of the few mobile versions that truly feels like the original version they absolutely did the best they could with what they had and I’m very happy with the end product, and can’t wait to see more champions, I miss Caitlyn!

  5. I started out on PCU but I no longer have one so this game has been a godsend to me being able to get back into it and it truly feels the same and gives me the same rush when playing!

  6. Ranked game mode is trash and full of clueless teammates. I had three consecutive losses yesterday and the botlane's k/d was 1/37 if you combined all the games. Like it doesn't matter if you win lane when you teammates are hard negative by 8-9 min.

  7. Damned video had me so excited @ 3:00, for a second there thought Wild Rift made stuff like AD Ahri viable again.
    I miss going stuff like triforce ATS Nami top, damned utility scalings around Preseason 4 ruined it, along with other changes.
    Really wish Rito Videogame had more respect for how players want to play the game rather than enforcing their vision of the game so harshly.
    (Also, respect to Reformed NicoNii, fantastic name)